
List comprehension in Haskell and various other languages mimics the set-builder notation from mathematics. A list comprehension allows us to express, via a compact notation, solutions to many problems. You might find that sometimes a list comprehension can replace the job of map and/or filter.

Ready, set, list

You want the set of all integers between 1 and 10, inclusive. How would you write that in mathematical notation? Like so:

\[\begin{equation} \label{eqnIntegers1to10} \{1,\, 2, \dots,\, 10\} \end{equation}\]

Now you want to square each integer in the above set. How would you express the new set in mathematical notation? Use the set comprehension notation, like so:

\[\begin{equation} \label{eqnSquares1to10} \big\{ x^2 \;|\; x \in \{1,\, 2, \dots,\, 10\} \big\} \end{equation}\]

The vertical bar, or pipe symbol, | is read as “such that”. Expression (\ref{eqnSquares1to10}) can be read as, “The set of all $x^2$ such that $1 \leq x \leq 10$ is an integer.” Expression (\ref{eqnIntegers1to10}) can be reproduced in Haskell via the range notation:

ghci> [1, 2 .. 10]

Note the similarity between the previous GHCi session and expression (\ref{eqnIntegers1to10}).

How are we to reproduce expression (\ref{eqnSquares1to10}) in Haskell? Via the list comprehension notation, of course. With a little bit of changes, we can write expression (\ref{eqnSquares1to10}) in Haskell as:

ghci> [x^2 | x <- [1, 2 .. 10]]
ghci> [x^2 | x <- [1 .. 10]]

Compare the above GHCi session and expression (\ref{eqnSquares1to10}). In the Haskell version, the pipe symbol | is also read as “such that”. The set membership symbol $\in$ is replaced with the Haskell keyword <-, which means “drawn from”. The code x <- [1 .. 10] (also called the generator) is read as, “The values of x are drawn from the list [1 .. 10].”


A list comprehension is a list (err… duh)1 that has the following components:

  1. The formula. This specifies the rule from which each element is built. In our GHCi session above, the formula is x^2. Think of the formula as the function definition.
  2. The pipe symbol |. This separates the formula (on the left) from the generator (on the right).
  3. The generator. This specifies the values that will be used by the formula to construct the list. If we consider the formula as the function definition, the generator specifies all valid input for the function. We can have more than one generator, but the generators must be separated by commas.
  4. The guard. This is a predicate that filters values from the generator(s). The filtered values are then passed to the formula. We can have multiple guards, but the guards must be separated by commas.

Visualize the components of a list comprehension as follows:

[ formula | generators, predicates]

With list comprehension, it’s like Haskell forces us to be dyslexic. We must swap around the usual way of defining a function. Previously, we define a function by specifying its parameters, followed by the function definition. List comprehension forces us to define the function first, then specify the parameters.2 Hey, don’t blame Haskell for the dyslexia. The set comprehension notation from mathematics does it first. Haskell see, haskell do.


Dyslexia or not, list comprehension in Haskell allows us to use a compact notation that mimics the set comprehension notation from mathematics. If we want to increment each positive integer, we could use map and a lambda expression:

ghci> take 10 $ map (\x -> x + 1) [1..]
ghci> map (\x -> x + 1) [1..10]

Or we could use list comprehension:

ghci> take 10 [x + 1 | x <- [1..]]
ghci> [x + 1 | x <- [1..10]]

Being clairvoyant, I know what you will say: “How will I ever use list comprehension in real life?” Recall the story of wheat and chessboard from an exercise in the section Free range numbers. The solution can be written compactly as follows:

ghci> sum [2^(x-1) | x <- [1..64]]

Learn your lesson well. Someday a trillionaire might offer you a reward posed in the form of a similar puzzle.

Multiple generators

Like a function that has multiple parameters, a list comprehension can have multiple generators. All we need to do is separate the generators by commas.

Here’s a common problem. Construct the Cartesian product of two lists. We have two lists "abc" == ['a', 'b', 'c'] and "de" == ['d', 'e']. The Cartesian product of the lists can be constructed by nesting a map inside another map, like so:

ghci> map (\x -> map (\y -> [x,y]) "de") "abc"
ghci> concat $ map (\x -> map (\y -> [x,y]) "de") "abc"
ghci> concatMap (\x -> map (\y -> [x,y]) "de") "abc"
ghci> sequence ["abc", "de"]

The above requires the additional function of concat. Alternatively, we could use concatMap as the outer function. Furthermore, we could use the function sequence. The name sequence does not lend itself to Cartesian product, but the definition of sequence does indeed yield a Cartesian product. A list comprehension allows us to clearly express our intention as follows:

ghci> [[x,y] | x <- "abc", y <- "de"]

Let’s compute various points on the monkey saddle:

ghci> [x^3 - 3*x*(y^2) | x <- [1..5], y <- [1..3]]

In some cases, the order of the generators does matter. Going from left to right, the second generator can depend on the first. Below, we use the example of flattening a list of lists to demonstrate that the order of multiple generators is equivalent to the order of variable declaration.


-- | Flatten a list of lists.
flat :: [[a]] -> [a]
flat xs = [x | ys <- xs, x <- ys]

Wild thing

Wild thing
You make my heart sing
— Chip Taylor, “Wild Thing”, performed by The Troggs, 1966

Recall that the wildcard symbol _ allows us to ignore various elements. In the section Tuple-ware, we implemented the function fst as follows:


-- | A reimplementation of the function "fst".
firstA :: (a, b) -> a
firstA (x, _) = x

Below, we use the wildcard _ to implement a version of fst that extracts the first elements in a list of 2-tuples.


-- | The first elements in a list of 2-tuples.
first :: [(a, b)] -> [a]
first xs = [x | (x, _) <- xs]

Here’s a version of snd that extracts the second elements in a list of 2-tuples:


-- | The second elements in a list of 2-tuples.
second :: [(a, b)] -> [b]
second xs = [y | (_, y) <- xs]

Guards, guards!

Sheriff of Rottingham: So, it’s come to this, has it? A fight to the death. Mano a mano, man to man. Just you and me and my guards!
Robin Hood: Men in Tights, 1993

Sometimes we do not want all values from a generator. Rather, we want some values that interest us. Whereas the wildcard symbol _ allows us to ignore a bunch of values without regard to their particular values, we want a way to ignore values based upon the particular values. That sounds like a guarded equation. A guard can be added to a list comprehension to help us filter values from a generator. For this reason, a guard in a list comprehension is also considered to be a predicate.

What if I tell you that the product of two odd integers is another odd integer? “No way!” I hear you say. “Show me.” Here is the square of the first 10 positive, odd integers:

ghci> take 10 $ [x^2 | x <- [1,3..]]
ghci> take 10 $ [x^2 | x <- [1..], odd x]

Do you find it a chore to manually look for all positive factors of an integer? Not good at mathematics? There must be an easier way! Let the List Comprehension 2000 and its add-on Guard 3000 do the work for you:

ghci> [x | x <- [1..10], mod 10 x == 0]
ghci> [x | x <- [1..42], mod 42 x == 0]
ghci> [x | x <- [1..57], mod 57 x == 0]
ghci> [x | x <- [1..61], mod 61 x == 0]

Remember the exercise on Pythagorean triples from the section Free range numbers? A list comprehension, accompanied by a guard, can be used to generate all Pythagorean triples not exceeding a given limit. Feast your eyes on this:


-- | Brute force method to generate Pythagorean triples.  This
-- implementation uses list comprehension.
bruteC :: Integer -> [[Integer]]
bruteC n = [[x, y, z] | [x, y, z] <- triple, x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 == z ^ 2]
    ell = [1 .. n] :: [Integer]
    triple = sequence [ell, ell, ell]

The definition of bruteC shows that, within a generator of a list comprehension, we can destructure a list. We use the function sequence to construct the Cartesian product of three copies of [1 .. n], yielding the list triple where each element is itself a list of the form [a, b, c]. In the generator [x, y, z] <- triple, we destructure each element [a, b, c] of triple. Finally, we use the predicate x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 == z ^ 2 to filter each trio of numbers that form a Pythagorean triple.

One guard is not enough. Let’s beef up security by employing more guards. Below, we multiply an integer that is divisible by 3 with an integer that is divisible by 4.

ghci> take 5 $ [x*y | x <- [1..99], y <- [1..99], mod x 3 == 0, mod y 4 == 0]
ghci> take 5 $ [x*y | x <- [3,6..], y <- [4,8..]]

Are you in a hurry? Want to talk fast without those pesky vowels? Say no more. Remove vowels as follows:

ghci> strA = "The five boxing wizards jump quickly."
ghci> strB = "Mr Jock, TV quiz PhD, bags few lynx."
ghci> strC = "Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs."
ghci> [s | s <- strA, s `notElem` "aeiou"]
"Th fv bxng wzrds jmp qckly."
ghci> [s | s <- strB, s `notElem` "aeiou"]
"Mr Jck, TV qz PhD, bgs fw lynx."
ghci> [s | s <- strC, s `notElem` "aeiou"]
"Pck my bx wth fv dzn lqr jgs."


Exercise 1. How many ways are there to choose a string where the first character is from "ab", the second character is from "cde", and the third character must be from "fghij"?

Exercise 2. In the script flatten.hs from the section Multiple generators, swap around the order of the generators. Compile the modified script. Describe what happens. Explain why you got the result.

Exercise 3. Use list comprehension to rewrite the function size from the script length.hs in the section Length of list.

Exercise 4. Use list comprehension to implement the function add from the script add.hs in the section Triangular numbers.

Exercise 5. Let $n > 0$ be an odd integer. Write a program to determine two non-negative integers $a$ and $b$ such that $a^2 - b^2 = n$. Provide an implementation that uses list comprehension and another implementation that does not use list comprehension.

Exercise 6. Use list comprehension to determine all positive factors of an integer $n > 0$.

Exercise 7. Repeat the following exercises from the section Free range numbers, but use list comprehension:

  1. Number phobia in various cultures.
  2. Least multiple of a bunch of integers.
  3. Sieve of Eratosthenes for generating prime numbers.

Exercise 8. Use list comprehension to implement the functions zip and unzip.

Exercise 9. In this exercise, you will explore a property of prime numbers.

  1. Use list comprehension to generate all prime numbers not exceeding a given limit.
  2. Two prime numbers $a$ and $b$, with $a < b$, are said to be twin prime if $b - a = 2$. Generate a list of the first 100 twin primes.

Exercise 10. The table below lists some English words that are of Norse origin.


Write a program to determine the number of unique vowels each word uses. Provide an implementation that uses list comprehension, and another implementation that does not use list comprehension.

  1. No way! I thought a list comprehension meant whether I could understand someone who has a lisp. 

  2. The phenomenon is not unique to Haskell. Erlang, Julia, Python, R, and some other languages are afflicted with the dyslexia known as list comprehension. Julia and her dyslexic friends need to consult a speech therapist before they develop a Lisp.