Simple functions

We have been using functions all along. Remember the functions main, printf, and putStrLn? In this section, we will discuss the components of a simple function. In particular, we will discuss how to declare a function, how to define our own functions, and draw some analogies with mathematical functions and expressions.

Affix your signature here

Harry: Oohhh… finally. My picture of the Today show gang. Oohhh… My favourite: Martha Stewart.
Sally: Is it autographed?
Harry: No, but she signed it.
3rd Rock from the Sun, season 1, episode 2, 1996

A fan upon meeting their favourite celebrity might enquire, “Can I have your autograph?” You, too, should ask the same question of any Haskell function you care to use (or abuse). Maybe not autograph, but rather the signature of a function. The signature (or type signature) of a simple function has the following syntax:

funcName :: InputType -> OutputType

The first part of a simple function signature is the function name, which should be written in lower camel case like so, bestNameEver. Next comes the “has type” symbol ::. To the right of the symbol :: is the type of the function. In Haskell, the name of a type must be in upper camel case like so, YoureMyType. Going from left to right, the first type name is the name of the input type or the data type of the function’s parameter. The second type name specifies the type of the output of the function. The right arrow symbol -> means “is mapped to”. The notation InputType -> OutputType can be read as, “a value of type InputType is mapped to a value of type OutputType”. The type of the function is InputType -> OutputType.

A little birdie told me that you like mathematics. Here goes. The signature of a Haskell function mirrors the function notation in mathematics. If a function $f$ maps values from a set $A$ to values from a set $B$, then we would write the function as $f : A \to B$. The symbol $f$ is the name of the function, our input comes from the set $A$, and the output of $f$ is a value from the set $B$. Why does Haskell use the symbol :: instead of the symbol : like in mathematics when writing the signature of a function? Haskell reserves the symbol : as an operator for prepending an element to a list.

Let’s apply the above theory to help us understand some of the functions (or methods) we have used in previous sections and chapters. Recall from the section The package Data.Char that the package Data.Char has the function isNumber, whose signature is

isNumber :: Char -> Bool

The function isNumber takes a value of type Char as its parameter and outputs a value of type Bool, essentially telling us whether or not a character represents a numeric digit. The type of isNumber is Char -> Bool. We have been using the function putStrLn for some time now. Let’s examine its signature:

putStrLn :: String -> IO ()

The function putStrLn takes a string as its input and outputs a value of type IO (). Without being distracted by minutiae, let’s just say that the output of putStrLn goes to standard output, i.e. the terminal.


Enough of pre-defined functions. Let’s define a function of our own. The function takes an integer as input and outputs the same integer, but with the sign flipped. The integer 2 would become $-2$ and $-42$ would become 42. See below for the signature of our function together with its definition.


-- | Reverse the sign of an integer.
negateInt :: Integer -> Integer
negateInt x = -1 * x

I can hear you protest, “But the Haskell library already has its own function to reverse the sign of a number. It’s the function negate.” OK. Let’s define a function that takes a string and converts the first character of the string to uppercase. This is different from the library function toUpper in that our function has a string as input and outputs a string. It’s true, honest. Have a look.


import Data.Char
import Text.Printf

-- | Convert the first character of a string to uppercase.
capitalize :: String -> String
capitalize str = (toUpper $ head str) : tail str

I do

We have been defining one-liner functions. How about a function whose definition spans multiple lines? We want a function that takes a string and removes the first and last characters of the string. The result is then reversed and we capitalize the resulting string. How would we do that? Do it like how we have been defining the function main, i.e. use the keyword do.


import Data.Char
import Text.Printf

-- | Convert the first character of a string to uppercase.
capitalize :: String -> String
capitalize str = (toUpper $ head str) : (tail str)

-- | Remove the first and last characters of a string, reverse the
-- string, then capitalize the result.
chopSuey :: String -> String
chopSuey str = do
    let torso = init . tail
    capitalize . reverse $ torso str

Function composition

Hang on. Carefully examine the function chopSuey again. What does the dot symbol . mean? In Haskell, the dot symbol . allows us to compose two functions. In mathematics, the composition of two functions $f$ and $g$ is written as $f \circ g$, meaning that we apply the function $g$ first and feed the output of $g$ to the function $f$. Given a variable $x$, the function composition $(f \circ g)(x)$ is equivalent to the nested function application $f\big( g(x) \big)$.

In Haskell, the dot notation allows us to compose two Haskell functions. The expression init . tail means that we first apply the function tail, then input the result to the function init. The expression capitalize . reverse $ torso str shows the interaction between the function application $ and the function composition . notations. Both of these notations work from right to left. The function application notation $ tells us to first calculate the result of the expression torso str. By definition, torso is the function composition init . tail. The output of torso str is the output of the function composition init . tail given the parameter str. The result of torso str is then fed to the function composition capitalize . reverse. Using a chain of function compositions, the function chopSuey can be simplified as follows:


-- | Same as chopSuey, but simplified.
chopSueyB :: String -> String
chopSueyB str = capitalize . reverse . init . tail $ str

You might have noticed that the function application and composition notations work from right to left and are identical in every respect, except for their respective symbols. Why not consistently use $ instead of peppering $ with .? For example, we can simplify chopSuey as follows:


-- | Same as chopSueyB, but using only function application notation.
chopSueyC :: String -> String
chopSueyC str = capitalize $ reverse $ init $ tail $ str

Why prefer chopSueyB over chopSueyC? It boils down to various factors:

  1. Style. If you do not want to chop and change $ with ., by all means stick with $ only. If you think in terms of function composition, in the mathematical sense, the notation . clarifies your intent.
  2. Noise. The symbol $ adds more visual noise than . does. Compare the definitions of chopSueyB and chopSueyC. The issue bears similarity to using $ to reduce the amount of parentheses in an expression.
  3. Lazy. The function application notation $ expects an immediate result. The expression tail $ str would immediately evaluate to the tail of the given string. On the other hand, the function composition notation . is lazy in the sense that it would delay evaluation until necessary. The expression let torso = init . tail is valid and compiles, whereas the expression let torso = init $ tail would result in an error because we have not given an argument to tail.

Multiple parameters

We have already used many functions that take more than a single parameter. The various arithmetic operators are binary in that each requires two parameters. The mathematical methods compare, div, and mod each takes two parameters, so does the string function splitAt. Let’s implement our own function to calculate the maximum of two integers. Consider the code below.


-- | The maximum of two integers.
maxInt :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
maxInt x y =
    if x > y
        then x
        else y

You might have noticed several issues regarding the above definition of the function maxInt. First, why are there two right arrow symbols -> in the signature of the function? The type of maxInt is Integer -> Integer -> Integer. This means that, going from left to right in the signature, maxInt takes a value of type Integer and another value of type Integer, then outputs a value of type Integer. You can think of the first two type names, i.e. Integer -> Integer, as declaring the types of the parameters of maxInt. Second, why the lack of a do block despite the definition of maxInt spanning multiple lines? Recall from the section I can’t decide that the construct if...then...else is a conditional expression. The Haskell compiler will treat such construct as an expression even if you indent the then and else clauses on separate lines. Third, why define our own function to calculate the maximum of two integers when the standard Haskell library already has the functions max and maximum? We define our own version of the standard library functions as a learning exercise.

Dude, where’s my car?

You drive to one of the biggest shopping centres in town. You park your car in one of the centre’s spacious parking lots, secure your car, and enter the shopping centre to search for a birthday present. Several hours later, you find a (near) perfect gift. You pay for the merchandise and proceed to walk to the parking lot. However, you have forgotten where you parked your car. You remember parking the car near a distinctive landmark. That’s right. The car is parked near a restaurant called “Joe’s Munchies”.

Let $p_1 = (x_1,\, y_1)$ be the coordinates of the entrance of the shopping centre, where you are standing. Let $p_2 = (x_2,\, y_2)$ be the coordinates of “Joe’s Munchies”. The shortest distance between the points $p_1$ and $p_2$ is given by the Euclidean distance

\[\begin{equation} \label{eqnEuclideanDistance} d(p_1,\, p_2) = \sqrt{s + t} \end{equation}\]

where $s = (x_2 - x_1)^2$ and $t = (y_2 - y_1)^2$. The Haskell keyword where allows us to mimic how expression (\ref{eqnEuclideanDistance}) is defined. Examine the following code.


-- | The Euclidean distance between two points.
distanceA :: Floating a => (a, a) -> (a, a) -> a
distanceA (a, b) (x, y) = sqrt $ p + q
    p = (x - a) ^ 2
    q = (y - b) ^ 2

Three issues stand out in the above function definition.

  1. Type class. The type class Floating encompasses Float and Double. Think of Floating as a type that allows you to work with data of type Float or type Double. By writing Floating a => in the above function definition, we are saying that each occurrence of a in the function signature refers to a floating-point number. See the section Vector addition for further details.
  2. where. This keyword allows us to bind variables that will be local to the function in which the variable is defined. In the first line of the definition of distanceA, we define the distance between the two points (i.e. tuples) as the square root of the sum p + q. We use where to begin a block within which we introduce the definitions of the variables p and q. This is the where block.
  3. Indentation. The definitions of the variables p and q are indented to align with each other in the where block. It’s like a do block, where indentation is also important. Refer to the section Printing numbers for more details.

We could also define the distance function by means of a do block. The resulting definition looks similar to how code is written in a procedural language such as C, JavaScript, and Python. Observe the alternative definition:


-- | The Euclidean distance between two points, without "where".
distanceB :: Floating a => (a, a) -> (a, a) -> a
distanceB (a, b) (x, y) = do
    let p = (x - a) ^ 2
    let q = (y - b) ^ 2
    sqrt $ p + q

The definition of distanceA certainly bears close resemblance to the Euclidean distance as defined in expression (\ref{eqnEuclideanDistance}), whereas the definition of distanceB looks like code written in a procedural language.

Alas, the route from the entrance of the shopping centre to “Joe’s Munchies” is not a straight line. You must follow a footpath that twists and turn. Don’t tell anyone you forgot where you parked your car. Now, where are your car keys?

No refund, no return

Defining our own functions is great, but why is there no return statement in any of the functions defined above? Programmers who come from languages such as C, C++, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python, etc. would use a return statement to signal the output of a function. Ruby and R programmers are comfortable without an explicit return statement. Why?

Haskell evaluates expressions. The definition of a function is itself an expression, even if the definition uses a do block. The keyword do is merely syntactic sugar to help you write Haskell code as if you are writing code in a language such as C, JavaScript, or Python. The output of a Haskell function, or the value that the function “returns”, is the final computed value in the function’s definition. Let’s elaborate on the latter statement.

Take for instance the program negate.hs and the definition of the function negateInt. Given an integer $x$, the output of the function is the expression -1 * x because that is the final (and only) evaluated value. If you were to translate the definition of negateInt into a mathematical equation, you would write something like the following:

\[f(x) = -x.\]

Notice the lack of a “return” statement. The expression on the right-hand side of the equal sign = defines the value of the function application $f(x)$.

Next, consider the program chop.hs and the definition of the function chopSuey. The final value as evaluated by the function is the output of the function application capitalize . reverse $ torso str. Whatever line(s) of code preceding the latter function application is merely a setup to get the right kind of data to feed to the function capitalize.

We can draw an analogy with how complicated expressions are defined in mathematics. Consider a quadratic equation written in the general form

\[ax^2 + bx + c = 0\]

where $a,b,c$ are real numbers and $a \neq 0$. The solution to the quadratic equation is the formula

\[x = \frac{ -b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac} }{ 2a }.\]

The expression $b^2 - 4ac$ is commonly known as the discriminant and denoted $\Delta$. The quadratic formula can therefore be written as

\[x = \frac{ -b \pm \sqrt{\Delta} }{ 2a }\]

where $\Delta = b^2 - 4ac$. The expression $\Delta = b^2 - 4ac$ is a setup or auxiliary expression to help us parse the quadratic formula. By the way, note the way we used the word “where” as a preliminary to the definition of the discriminant $\Delta$ and how the role of “where” corresponds to the Haskell keyword where.

Finally, let’s examine the program max.hs and the definition of the function maxInt. The function is defined in terms of a conditional expression, a branching of paths if you like. The final value of the function depends on the boolean value of the expression x > y. If the expression evaluates to True, the final value of the function is the expression in the then clause. If x > y happens to evaluate to False, the final value of the function is the expression in the else clause. Again, you might ask, “Why no explicit return statement?” Translate the definition of maxInt to a mathematical expression:

\[\text{max}(x,\, y) = \begin{cases} x,& \text{if } x > y,\\[8pt] y,& \text{otherwise}. \end{cases}\]

Haskell evaluates expressions. The output of a Haskell function is the final, evaluated value of the function.


Exercise 1. In the section The string and I, we used the functions fst, snd, and splitAt. Determine the signature of each function.

Exercise 2. This exercise from the section I can’t decide requests a program to determine whether an integer (entered via the command line) is even or odd. Modify your program so that the code to determine whether an integer is even or odd is encapsulated within a function other than main.

Exercise 3. Modify the function maxInt in the program max.hs to output the minimum of two integers.

Exercise 4. Write a function that reverses the case of a string. If the string is capitalized, then uncapitalize the string. If the string is not capitalized, then capitalize the string.

Exercise 5. Write a function that, given a positive integer $n$, calculates the sum of all positive integers from 1 up to and including $n$.

Exercise 6. A temperature value in Fahrenheit can be converted to Celsius via the formula

\[\text{Celsius} = \frac{ \text{Fahrenheit} - 32 }{ 1.8 }.\]

Write a function that converts a temperature value from Fahrenheit to Celsius. Write another function that converts a temperature value from Celsius to Fahrenheit.

Exercise 7. The quadratic equation is the expression

\[ax^2 + bx + c = 0\]

where $a,b,c$ are real numbers such that $a \neq 0$. Write a function that determines a value of $x$ satisfying the quadratic equation.

Exercise 8. You are given the radius of a circle. Write a separate function to calculate each of the following properties of a circle: diameter, circumference, area.

Exercise 9. Repeat the exercise on absolute value, but use a function (other than main) to encapsulate the code that calculates the absolute value of a number.

Exercise 10. Write a function that removes the middle character of a string. If the string has an even number of characters, there would be two middle characters; remove both middle characters. You might find the method length useful.